"Man, as a living being, is not rooted in himself. Rather he is nourished, sustained and held in order by Nature whose laws operate without his knowledge and assistance."
Karlfried Graf Durkheim
Many if not all virtues are interrelated, the lines between them blurred. Aristotle believed that no virtue was found in isolation.
Stop for a moment and think about it. Everything around us is a gift. Our life is a gift, our body is a gift, and the air we breathe is a very welcome gift from the universe…To paraphrase another source that escapes me, we walk without knowing how what it is that moves us; we stop without knowing what it is that stops us. We assimilate what we eat without knowing how we assimilate it. How can we presume to appropriate anything to ourselves? It is foolishness and pride not to be awed by the miracle of life. But we so easily get caught up in the petty game of striving to get what we want that we forget to appreciate and enjoy what we do have. The game is only a game, and it is not even our own playing board. But we can step back from the game and change our perspective and our attitude. Gratitude changes the rules of the game immediately. It becomes a delight to play instead of a struggle. And, best of all, we never seem to lose…Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy - because we will always want to have something else or something more.
I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. ~G.K. Chesterton
I I'm always reminded how extremely precious each minute of our life is. Four years ago I had surgery on my back (Spinal Surgery) I had to rest during the healing process. First was an inner struggle "because I had so much to do". After a few days I finally surrendered to a different pace and became so grateful for the time and ability to walk. The trip to the kitchen to open the windows and greet the new day took on a new meaning. I had some inconvenience of using a walker to get there, so of course my pace was slower and more deliberate. I had time to see and experience things as I made my way to the window. I would stand on the walker and breathe deeply and look at the houses, trees and flowers and be grateful to be alive and healing.
Everything was more vivid because I was moving slower and taking time to experience things. Eventually my mind slowed down. I even took naps during the day. I had so many creative images coming to me. I remembered “Be still and hear." so I started asking questions that I wanted answers to, and to my delight, I was hearing answers.
"Be still and know." In the stillness I was also able to reconnect to my home, my life, the friends who came to love and support me, and to myself. I found that my having to recover from spinal surgery was definitely a good thing for me to experience.
"In all things there is a message." It became clear to me that the message was to stop and think about my life. I had been getting messages about this for months and had not listened. In the quiet that resulted from resting I was sourced with the ideas and insights. I used some of my down time to develop the new direction of Sansei, the requirements, and also write some new ideas for curriculum.
"Every cloud has a Silver lining." I am among the many people when something happens that is bad, have usually been so upset that I fail to recognize that when one door closes another one opens. We can find the light in every circumstance if we are willing to look.
The people who touched my life during that time have left lasting impressions on me. Their willingness to help me, to dress me, to bring me to a better place will never be forgotten. All have intertwined into my heart. I am filled with gratitude.
When we realize how precious each minute of our lives are, life will also ask us to live as if each minute counted. Last night I sat for some time and asked myself. "Would I be happy with what I had accomplished if I were to die right now? Would I feel that I did my best and had lived the message, the vision I believe so deeply in? Would I have forgiven all for what I considered unjust in my life? Would I have asked for forgiveness for all those I treated unfair? What part of my life would feel incomplete? Would I have some regrets? In the silence of the moments after asking the questions, I heard the answers. Yes, I have done the best I knew how, I am happy with what I have accomplished but, there are things that I want to clear up, to acknowledge while there is still time, I still have work to do. I choose to take the time to do it now. To live as each moment counted.
My experiences that time put have put me in touch with gratitude. How I in my haste to accomplish things I have forgotten to be grateful, to take the time to sit down and everyday and write down at least five things that I am grateful for this day. I know that when I have done this before my life seemed to change as it put me in touch with the beautiful things that have touched my life in the Now moment of this day!
I have made a commitment recently to write in my journal of gratitude every day. I am not waiting until the New Year to start. I am starting now. I choose to be in touch with the many things that bless my life every day. I encourage you to do the same. You can have a beautiful journal to write in or a loose leaf binder, whatever fits your needs. Make a definite date with yourself, a time to sit down and review your day, then write at least five things that you are thankful for. You may be amazed that you have more; I have found my list growing as I get in touch with all the little things that bless my day. And as I read them, I come in contact with gratitude, a deep and profound sense that all is right in my world and how many times I am touched by kindness, beauty and love.
Today I wrote in my journal;
I am grateful to be alive and walking.
I am grateful for experiencing the life I live and feeling it's effects in my being.
I am grateful for the gentle fall breeze blowing through the trees.
I am grateful to have been loved by my Mother,Father and Brother
I am grateful for the space of safety to cry, think and experience.
I am grateful for friends who never give up on me.
I am grateful for you my real loyal students who understand our way.
Have you ever experienced a moment when you said I am so grateful? I would love to hear what you are grateful for, and also if you are keeping a gratitude journal
Everything was more vivid because I was moving slower and taking time to experience things. Eventually my mind slowed down. I even took naps during the day. I had so many creative images coming to me. I remembered “Be still and hear." so I started asking questions that I wanted answers to, and to my delight, I was hearing answers.
"Be still and know." In the stillness I was also able to reconnect to my home, my life, the friends who came to love and support me, and to myself. I found that my having to recover from spinal surgery was definitely a good thing for me to experience.
"In all things there is a message." It became clear to me that the message was to stop and think about my life. I had been getting messages about this for months and had not listened. In the quiet that resulted from resting I was sourced with the ideas and insights. I used some of my down time to develop the new direction of Sansei, the requirements, and also write some new ideas for curriculum.
"Every cloud has a Silver lining." I am among the many people when something happens that is bad, have usually been so upset that I fail to recognize that when one door closes another one opens. We can find the light in every circumstance if we are willing to look.
The people who touched my life during that time have left lasting impressions on me. Their willingness to help me, to dress me, to bring me to a better place will never be forgotten. All have intertwined into my heart. I am filled with gratitude.
When we realize how precious each minute of our lives are, life will also ask us to live as if each minute counted. Last night I sat for some time and asked myself. "Would I be happy with what I had accomplished if I were to die right now? Would I feel that I did my best and had lived the message, the vision I believe so deeply in? Would I have forgiven all for what I considered unjust in my life? Would I have asked for forgiveness for all those I treated unfair? What part of my life would feel incomplete? Would I have some regrets? In the silence of the moments after asking the questions, I heard the answers. Yes, I have done the best I knew how, I am happy with what I have accomplished but, there are things that I want to clear up, to acknowledge while there is still time, I still have work to do. I choose to take the time to do it now. To live as each moment counted.
My experiences that time put have put me in touch with gratitude. How I in my haste to accomplish things I have forgotten to be grateful, to take the time to sit down and everyday and write down at least five things that I am grateful for this day. I know that when I have done this before my life seemed to change as it put me in touch with the beautiful things that have touched my life in the Now moment of this day!
I have made a commitment recently to write in my journal of gratitude every day. I am not waiting until the New Year to start. I am starting now. I choose to be in touch with the many things that bless my life every day. I encourage you to do the same. You can have a beautiful journal to write in or a loose leaf binder, whatever fits your needs. Make a definite date with yourself, a time to sit down and review your day, then write at least five things that you are thankful for. You may be amazed that you have more; I have found my list growing as I get in touch with all the little things that bless my day. And as I read them, I come in contact with gratitude, a deep and profound sense that all is right in my world and how many times I am touched by kindness, beauty and love.
Today I wrote in my journal;
I am grateful to be alive and walking.
I am grateful for experiencing the life I live and feeling it's effects in my being.
I am grateful for the gentle fall breeze blowing through the trees.
I am grateful to have been loved by my Mother,Father and Brother
I am grateful for the space of safety to cry, think and experience.
I am grateful for friends who never give up on me.
I am grateful for you my real loyal students who understand our way.
Have you ever experienced a moment when you said I am so grateful? I would love to hear what you are grateful for, and also if you are keeping a gratitude journal