Saturday, November 08, 2008

Higher Consciosness ( My Evolution in Karatedo)

I feel that the most dramatic results you will see in any country, any group, or nation, is when each individual takes responsibility for his or her personal growth, self sufficiency, and inner connection to a higher thought. Until you put that first in your life, you will operate from a level of personal interest instead of seeing all as a part of the ‘whole’ of that higher thought. When this occurs, the life of the individual becomes an example and inspiration of the ‘way’. The essential purpose of each faith is to be a way to show higher knowledge with human interpretation as inspired from the Divine Intelligence within. It has been proven that higher consciousness brings in the understanding and compassion that each individual is valuable and can contribute to the welfare of all in their unique way. To me karate serves as a great vehicle to reaching that understanding.
Karate philosophy teaches us that it is an internal lack in oneself which contributes to apathy toward one’s fellow man and nature in all of its forms. We are Spiritual Beings, capable and encoded to fulfill this Divine purpose of Oneness and this is natural.
Meditation is the sublime communication with God within. Contemplation is the reflection of one’s own actions and accountability, and Karatedo teaches us one’s duty in life. Einstein’s Theory has been re-written, the ‘unified field’ means unity. One can tap into this unlimited experience and live in unity. Unity is conscious understanding through direct experience that proves everything is interconnected. This knowledge gives one the understanding that there is order in the universe, and balance must be maintained.
Divine Intelligence rules balance and order; this is also known as Universal Law or the Divine Laws of God. One must live life in unity from the Light of a higher thought within and from the love within the heart, this is union. It is not enough to talk of this ‘unified field’ of all possibilities; we must live it and be it. The development, growth, and greater potential of each individual must be recognized. As long as one does not value themselves or see their own potential, they will not value anyone or anything outside of themselves.
In and of themselves, material objects are for one’s use, they are neither positive nor negative. The misguided value an individual places on themselves causes the internal stress that leads to the idea of possessiveness. As long as one does not understand their own value, they will grasp at material things, have addictions, and misuse others. Material things do not cause violence. What does cause violence and destructive thoughts is jealousy due to lack of self appreciation. From a higher perspective, all material goods are due to the positive productivity of individuals, and this enhances all areas of life. It is not just material wants that cause pain. The desire to be accepted, have one’s needs fulfilled, and enjoy life, is a natural universal theme. Those who have the ability must educate those who do not have the means to create their own self sufficiency. It is the responsibility of those who have greater understanding to speak for those who do not have a voice, and who do not have the understanding or means to speak for themselves.
Unity is also lived and learned in Karatedo, which means righteousness, truthfulness, compassion, and understanding. To realize one’s own real nature is to also experience and understand through direct knowledge the inner value of all things in life. This gives deeper understanding of the value within each individual, and the value within all forms of life.
One who experiences this inner peace will reflect this in all areas of life and share in life from this understanding. With meditation it becomes natural; from within, the thoughts are becoming more refined, more compassionate, and more attuned with the Universal or Divine Laws. The essence of meditation is to experience peace and this sublime Bliss carries over in one’s daily life.
As Karate Sensei’s we must understand that the children of today will be your Leaders in the future. They must have role models. The values of life must be re-presented to them, and the practical integration of spiritual and self sustained living must be seen and experienced to have effective changes. The practice of meditation should begin at an early age. For adults, the practice of meditation leads to better decisions, better living, and better ways of taking care of one’s life. The global economy will naturally improve with meditation due to higher state of consciousness, along with the natural unfoldment of the unlimited potential within.
The experience of higher consciousness establishes the basis for maintaining peace within oneself, which creates peace naturally in one’s environment. From this level of higher consciousness, this advanced education crosses the boundaries of traditional education in an innovative and dynamic way. The spiritual understanding shows the interconnected value of all life which creates and sustains unity. Through this integration, the individual has a greater sense of responsibility; this effects the environment and maintains non-violence through the appreciation of the inner and outer values of life. The combination of meditation, spirituality, and education will provide the foundation for even greater economic potentials through the individual’s comprehension of obligations to family, society, and government. Spiritually, the individual feels a sense of belonging to humankind through the direct experience of “Oneness” within; crossing boundaries of prejudice, and creating harmony in one’s family, community, nation, and extending into a global view of unity.
You cannot have an economically sustained society without the personal experience of inner peace. Higher intelligence and the experience of peace within give a self-referral understanding of non-violence, promoting personal productivity in all areas of life. Compassion combined with understanding of the spiritual teachings, will reveal through direct experience the greater values for all life.
We are Spiritual Beings and this must be experienced, understood, and lived to be in unity for the betterment of all life, the environment, and with each other. We can create a better today and tomorrow. True and lasting peace on earth begins with each individual.
Through the daily practice of meditation, one gains the highest knowledge. The heart becomes pure, and the mind has unlimited potential for receiving and retaining education in any field of learning. The Educator has fertile ground in the mind of the student, for each understands the greater potential, and each understands and comprehends the more complex thoughts and ideas. Higher consciousness, beauty and refinement, are results of this great potential. Due to direct understanding of Karatedo, one lives in the awareness of “cause and effect” or the knowledge of self-referral. This leads one to living the principles of personal duty, understanding equality, and transcending false ideas of limitation and prejudice of religions, race, gender, or caste.
All that is needed to realize a better reality of life is to raise consciousness, restore traditions of respect, and establish higher values in all areas of life. This is up to each individual, and is a loving obligation for having the gift of life.