Eddie Batista, Sensei- Jose Rios, Sensei-AJ Perez, Sensei-JC Eguino, Sensei-Venessa Perez, Steve Ray, Sensei-Sensei-Manny Saavedra, Sensei-Ricardo Montigo, Sensei-Miss Tatiana Ramos, -Mike Magee, Sensei
The Traditional Karate Dojo
Karatedo is an education, educating Ladies and Gentelmen.
So potential students that wish to take Karatedo see a sign or talk to a buddy, think they can walk right in with their shoes on and say "Hey, I am here to sign up for classes. How much is it going to cost?, when do I start?, and when do I make my Black Belt?" This may be very true for a commercial school. The truth of the matter is you pay a lot and get nothing much in return.
In a traditional Karate Dojo you have to be accepted as a student by the instructor first and foremost. Your first contact with the Sensei might come as a great shock to you. You must understand the fundamental difference between a commercial school and a Dojo. The truth is that you have come to him for instruction; he has not come to you. The source of the conflict that it is the Sensei's Dojo and as the instructor, he runs his Dojo by his rules, Senseis word is law in that Dojo..
As a beginner you will probably think that Dojo is just a word for martial arts school. Nothing could be further from the truth. One factor that a new student of Karatedo should keep in mind is the Dojo is not a school, and its purpose is many fold. The prime objective of a Karate Dojo is the continuance of the Karate way. The Sensei is obliged to instruct his students, as he was taught by his former Sensei. The students he teaches are left up to the Sensei. The Sensei does not have to accept new students If he wishes not to do so. If you are accepted as a student of a Dojo and the Sensei feels that you will be a great credit to Karatedo and his Dojo you should feel very honored to be accepted as one of his students.
As a student you are expected to attend every class possible and make the most of each and every training session. You should always be loyal to your Dojo and your Sensei as long as they are loyal to you. If you wish to travel to or visit another Dojo in your area always ask the permission of your Sensei before doing so. If he or she says no, then take It for what it is worth and do not ask why, as his reasons are his own and best left alone. Some of the reasons may be the Dojo you wish to visit does not Instruct good Karatedo, or they teach techniques that are beyond your limits, etc.
Proper etiquette must always be upheld at the highest level There are too many rules for you to learn all at once. In time you will learn them. Your instructor can be any Black Belt rank, the higher ranked your instructor the more respect should be shown to them.
The Sensei is not satisfied with having you like the place and want to study there, He wants love at first sight. For you do not truly join a Dojo, you own a part of it. Don't look for a window full of trophies, as we don't sell trophies. We promote Karatedo. In Karate You put in to it, and get back two to three times what you give.
The students should help the Sensei by vacuuming and mopping occasionally to keep the Tatami clean. The Sensei has many things to do to keep the Dojo going. Any help is greatly appreciated by him to keep the Dojo clean.
The Dojo should always be a place for serious study of Karate. When you enter any Dojo you should enter with a clean mind, and pay attention to all instruction given. All students must be on their best behavior at all times in the Dojo: each student should set a high standard of discipline. The higher ranked students are expected to set an example while in the Dojo for the lower grade students to follow.
Among the traditional fixtures of any Karate Dojo is a name board. All members of the Dojo are listed on the board according to belt rank, with the most senior ranks listed first, then moving down the board. For the board to be of any use it must be kept up to date.
Through very specific customs an orderly, functional and efficient method of conduct has been laid down for use in all Dojo. One of the very first items of etiquette which the Deshi (student) must learn is when they enter or leave any Dojo, they must perform a Ritsu Rei (standing bow) in and out of the Dojo. This Rei is not just a physical thing to do, but is also mentally done. By this I mean that when entering the Dojo each Deshi (student) clears his or her mind of all evil and negative thoughts, and feels good about themselves with the good thoughts in mind to be a better person for what they are about to learn, or what they have learned at the Dojo before leaving.
The second time that they are required to Rei is when they are about to enter or leave the mat area. Also at this time their minds should be clean and fresh with desire to learn and to become at ease with themselves.
The third time they Rei is before and after working out with a partner. This is done with much respect as you are asking your training partner for the pleasure of working out with you, also you are saying I come with a clean mind, and have no intention of hurting you; in the event I or you should suffer injury, no ill feelings shall exist between us.
Entering the Dojo
When you are ready to enter the Dojo, you are expected to make a Ritsu-Rei (standing bow) at the entrance of the Dojo. Upon entering you should face the mat area towards the Shomen (the wall with founding Sensei's picture), when doing this ritsu rei(standing bow). When you have donned your Karate gi (if you change at the Dojo) and you are about to enter the Dojo area, you will again perform a ritsu rei before entering on the Dojo area. After you have gotten on the Dojo area you should take up the proper seiza (kneeling-seated) position in the proper place according to your belt rank. You should never sit in a anza (cross legged) position until told to do so by the Sensei. You should never start any warm-up exercises until the Sensei has formally opened the class.
Opening and Closing of Classes.
Before opening or closing of any class session, all students and instructors shall take their proper positions on the Dojo area according to proper rank order. The four sides of a Dojo are very important in that rank order, for each has a specific code of ethics to follow.
The Shomen is the highest point of honor in a Dojo. It is the upper seat or seat of honor in which properly reserved for the highest dan holders. At no time while in a Dojo may a Karateka stand with his back to the Shomen, nor at any time sit in the Shomen area. Even while working out, your back should never be towards the Shomen. Only the senior sensei of the Dojo can have his back to the Shomen.
In proper order no instructor or black belt besides the Dojo Sensei should be allowed to sit with his back to the Shomen for opening or closing the class.
Joseki is the second most important area of a Dojo. In proper order, if the instructor of the Dojo should be placed to the right of the Shomen in the joseki area. Only those equal in rank sit in this area. If the sensei wishes he may have any of the black belts sit next to him on his left side. In proper reishiki all lesser ranks should always be on the left side.
Shimoseki is the third ranked area of importance in the Dojo. It is the place all lower ranked black belts should sit. For example, if the instructor is a sixth or seventh dan he would sit in the middle of the Joseki area facing the Shimoseki area and all lower ranking black belts would sit facing him.
Shimoza is the lowest ranked area of the Dojo. All Mudansha (a person of senior age from 17 years and older and less than a Black Belt rank) should be lined up from right to left in order of rank, the highest sitting to the right and then down to the lowest rank of the players.
After all the Senior ranked mudansha have been seated in line then should come all the shonen and yonen ranked players according to belt rank. After the senior aged players the shonen and yonen line up according to rank not age.
All students and assistant Instructors shall take their position in the proper area of the Dojo and sit in a seiza position (kneeling seated) and the senior instructor shall take his place to the right facing the Kamiza in the proper place of the Joseki at the beginning and end of the class. The senior student, if one is seated in the Shimoseki, shall give the verbal command of "Shomen- ni", which is a preparatory command at which time any students sitting in the Shimoseki shall turn half left and face the Shomen, and anyone sitting in the Joseki will turn half right to face the Shomen, and everyone will observe a pause of a 8 to 10 seconds until the senior student once again shall give the command of "REI". When this command is given all those sitting on the mat area shall simultaneously make a correct kneeling bow to the Shomen.
The next command should come after another slight pause of another 8 to 10 seconds. The senior student will again give the preparatory command of "Sensei ni", at which time those in the Shimoseki will make a half right turn to face the Joseki area and everyone in the Joseki area will make a half left turn to face the Shimoseki. Then the senior ranked student will say, "REI", at which time the instructor and students shall all bow at the same time. At the end of the class they will repeat the process, but with "Sensei ni, rei" first and then with "Shomen ni -rei" closing the class. Note: it is improper for the students to stand before the instructor stands. Remain seated until all Black belts are standing and then at that time the rest of the students may stand.
Correct Sitting While in a Dojo
When in any Dojo you are to remain seated in the correct Seiza (kneeling seated) unless the Sensei tells you to sit some other way. The proper way to sit is ether the Seiza, or Anza (cross legged). At no time is anyone below the rank of Black Belt rank is ever allowed to sit in the Shomen area of the Dojo.
When you are seated in a Dojo it is improper to sit with your feet and legs stretched out in front of you, or to lay back on the mat in any manner, unless you are engaged in some kind of special training. It is also improper to lean back with one or both hands on the mat behind you.
So many Dojo's I have visited embarrass me because of the lack of reishiki. It is totally relaxed or even totally absent from the Dojo. Not only do the Deshi (students) walk onto and off the mat area when they please without the proper Rei, but they also fail to show respect for the instructors or fellow students. Some just lay on the mats, freely talking or playing around and even chewing gum. I have seen people lying around the mat area drinking soft drinks, chewing gum, with their gi open and half hanging off their bodies, or not wearing one at all, or they will be walking around dragging their Obi's (belt) behind them on the ground. This just shows the lack of respect some people have for Karate and the Dojo, and their instructors. It is everyone's responsibility who sees someone committing violations like these to tell these people to get straight and start acting like a true Karateka should.
The Sensei
The word Sensei means Instructor or Honored Teacher. I do not like to call myself a teacher as I believe that I can not teach my students anything that they do not like to learn or don't want to learn. I prefer the term instructor better, as I feel that if the Deshi wants to learn something all you have to do is provide them with the basic knowledge and guide them through the basics. I can not place their hands or feet for them every step of the way. They must take that knowledge and teach themselves what works and what doesn't work for them.
In proper reishiki one is not called a Sensei until achieving the rank of Sandan (3th degree black belt).
As I said, Sensei means "Instructor or Honored Teacher". Therefore we use this term in Karate also. Your instructor shall always be called Sensei, or Mr., Mrs., or Ms., (last name), for example Jones Sensei, but never by a first name. When there is more than one black belt in the Dojo only the Senior Instructor should be called Sensei. All others addressed formally with Mr., Ms. Also, your Sensei may be distinguished from other instructors with his or her surname and Sensei, as in: "Smith Sensei".
In proper reishiki, if your Sensei is speaking with another, and you wish to speak to him, you walk to within 3 or 4 feet, stop, and wait for the Sensei to recognize you. Then Rei and state your business. After you are through, take a step back, Rei and leave.
Remember, it is not proper to call a black belt by their first name. Always address them formally as Mr./Mrs./Ms. Jones. Also it is not proper to address a black belt below the rank of godan (3 Dan) as Sensei. However, it is permissible to call your senior instructor Sensei if he is at least a shodan (1st Dan). It is not proper to call a person below the rank of shodan "Sensei".
Every effort should be made to preserve the traditional standards of Karate.