World Sansei Koryu Gojukai Karatedo Dojo Kun
modern Sansei Dojos around the world promote a philosophy of self-improvement as well as an expected standard of technical skill. When you think about it, it is the philosophy rather than the technical skill that should influence every practitioner's daily life. Karate philosophy, or at least the traditional karate philosophy, is called the Dojo-Kun. The Dojo-Kun is simply an ethical guide for training in the martial arts and for behavior in your everyday life.
The traditional Sansei Karate ethics are:
We shall always practice and study.
We shall always be humble and kind.
We shall always be courteous.
We shall be quick to seize opportunity.
We shall always practice patience.
We shall always believe that nothing is impossible.
We shall discard the bad.
We shall keep the good.
We shall always be loyal to: Ourselves, Karate, Family,
Community, and Country.
Love is our law.
Truth is our worship.
Form is our manifestation.
Peace is our shelter.
Nature is our companion.
Order is our attitude.
Beauty and perfection is our life
In all our Dojos these precepts are chanted at the end of each class. The core values of our Dojos resonate with your view of life and your moral ethics. After all you are exposing yourself and your family to a very emotive venture in your karate journey.
The Dojo-Kun's precepts can offer a very simple template for following a virtuous path and for reaching your potential in everything you do and for being a good citizen. It's up to you to decide how this philosophy fits in with your own ideals and ethics.Most people find the core ethics to be something that they can relate to on an intimate basis; some people don't place much value on the philosophy of the martial arts and are in your karate class alongside you for very different reasons such as self-defense or basic health and fitness.The phrase "each unto his own" is definitely applicable here. As with so many things in life, we have to find our own way given our own set of criteria and backgrounds.Essentially there are many other paths to self-realization and understanding of the greater world around you. Karatedo simply offers a valuable template for beginning to understand yourself and others through understanding movement, power, speed, timing, energy, tension, relaxation and harmony. It is a beginning in what can be a long and extremely rewarding journey.