Many of us feel a sense of peace when we’re out in nature. We feel a sense of timelessness. We become aware of the reality and absolute operation on natural law. We become aware of our own almost insignificance in relation to it. We can’t change it; we can’t control it. But the thought is somehow reassuring. We feel content to be a part of something so remarkable and unarguably “there”
There is a sense of balance and harmony in nature. Seasons come and go with regularity. There are cycles of life, giving and receiving in a beautiful harmonious whole. Even catastrophic events, storms, earthquakes, floods, are part of a larger harmony, a natural cycle of growth and change. Nature is always becoming. The beauty of nature constantly unfolds in accordance with its laws, Nature teacher us about peace. It reminds us that there are laws and that they are in control. With that reminder is a sense of comfort that there is order in the universe. We might as well attempt to reorder the seasons or put an end to the effects of gravity as to change the consequences of violating natural law in the human dimension. We simply cannot be a law unto ourselves without consequences. Peace and quality of life come only as we discover and align with the fundamental laws of life.