Sen is a Japanese term that means before, or ahead. Sei means life, birth or living. Therefore, the sensei is a teacher. They are born before, therefore they are thought to have knowledge that inexperienced people do not. Therefore I broadly understand a sensei to be "one who has gone before".
In the karate environment, a sensei is seen to be a "teacher" or an "instructor", and therefore the term implies many year’s experience, and the achievement of high order of karate skills and knowledge. Further it implies the ability to teach others of a lower grade, and contribute to their development.
In the Dojo environment "sensei" also implies "leadership", and so the criteria for a karate sensei will be very similar to the criteria required for anybody in a leadership position. Throughout history there have been numerous attempts to clearly identify "what is leadership".
Jim Hobson, Sensei is truly a great leader and role model. He is a very likable, polite, gentleman and good family man.
Sensei Jim Hobson exemplifies everything one would desire in a role model for the young. He is a technician and teacher that has given of his time and experience to many students, all of whom have benefited from his knowledge and his patience. he oversees instruction and operations at Pembroke Pines, Florida Dojo. He is a direct student of Danny Reizner, Sensei