Regional Director Chile
A good leader is not a superstar who mesmerizes with the force of rhetoric or flashy deeds. While lesser people crave power and dominance, a good leader rejects competitive hierarchies as unnatural. Leaders build networks, realizing were part of the interlocking web of life. Good leaders lead with a new combination of talents: cooperation, awareness of the cycles, courage, and facilitation. Good leaders draw upon infinite wisdom and power through observing nature and learning her rules.
Sensei Juan Gonzalez is one of those leaders. He began his training in Sansei at the age of 10 he grew up in the system and continued to work towards its development and growth. He was a National Champion in his native country Venezuela, where he develope all his skills. He frequently traveld to the Hombu Dojo in the USA, to train with the Founder. He later moved to Chile, where he became the vice president of the Martila Arts Federation. He propogated the World Sansei Koryu Gojukai Karatedo throughout the country. Today in Chile threre are Sansei Dojos in every major city and the Hombu Dojo is in Santiago. Juan Gonzalez is a direct student of Manny Saavedra, Kaicho and is the Regional Director of the World Sansei Koruy Gojukai Karatedo in that country.
1992 Venezuela Juan Gonzalez, Sensei, Manny Saavedra, Kaicho, Elias Paz, Sensei