Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sansei Kokusai Gojukai Karatedo in Chile (Seminar and Sansei Tournament November 28, 2007- December 4, 2007

Victor Hugo Alvarado Ponce
José Luis Vergara Valenzuela
Jorge Eduardo Aceituno Escudero
Patricio Claudio Moraga Córdova
Marco Rojas Gómez
Juan Luis Gonzalez Espinoza

I would like to congratulate all the members of the organization in Chile. it is due to your efforts that the philosophy of Sansei have flourished throughout the country. I respect you for this.
I admire you also for your passion for Karate and your warm welcome you have giving me. personality. You are an example for all your students and we hope we can enjoy our friendship and organizational philosophy for many more years.
Congratulations again and domo arigato gozaimashita.

Patricio Moraga Cordova, Sensei Santiago, Chile Dojo

Juan Gonzalez, Sensei Dojo Calama , Chile
Jose Luis Vergara Valenzuela, Sensei Chillan Dojo, Chile
Juan Gonzalez, Sensei & Family

Victor Hugo Alvarado Ponce 1er Dan. José Luis Vergara Valenzuela, 3do. - Jorge Eduardo Aceituno Escudero. 3er Dan.- Patricio Claudio Moraga Córdova 3er Dan. -Marco Rojas Gómez 5to Dan . - Juan Luis Gonzalez Espinoza 6to Dan. - Jorge Carrasco 5to Dan .

Sensei Patricio, Sensei, Jose Luis, Sensei Juan

Santiago, Chile Seminar

Santiago, Chile

The Andes

La Serena, Chile

Marco Rojas, Sensei Ovalle Dojo Chile

Sensei, Marcos Rojas, Ovalle Dojo Chile

Seminar & Sansei Tournament Santiago Chile November 28, 2007-December 4, 2007