Yamabushi Dojo
Manny Saavedra, Kaicho Jimmy Valentin, Sensei
Elton Valentin, Sensei
Jose Feliciano receiving his Rokudan
This letter is written to all the Black Belts in the Puerto Rico Region.
The visit to Puerto Rico was a wonderful experience, the passion that you have for the art has renewed my own passion. We should all be working towards the same goals in our Karate-do remembering always that together we can perform miracles, apart we have nothing. Never allow a person to come between you and your values and honor. The word Loyalty to me means a great deal. “World Sansei” Koryu Gojukai Karatedo, has established a very selective inner circle, a circle of Karateka that believe in the importance of Loyalty, Honor and friendship. This circle is known as “The Society” The Society is made up of the best role models in the system. It is a Society that will hopefully grow in time. We in the Society with the greatest pleasure have inducted Miguel Montalvo, Sensei.
We know that he will be an asset to the “Society” The inducting ceremony is will be held in the near future.
For those of us that have never stop teaching and made this our life long endeavor and have devoted countless hours in the Dojo. We keep the fire burning in the hearts of all our students. We write, we lecture, and we propagate the system. Many of us export the system to all parts of the World. We travel and we are noticed by others as leaders. Leaders than have never stop teaching in the worst of times and in the best of times. What this association of great teachers needs to understand that it’s not about ego it’s not about jealousy it’s not about envy it’s about the Art, “The Art is Above the Artist”.
If we truly internalize this we would go a long way to restore honor in our karate-Do.
As Professional Sensei’s and educators these are the things we should stand for:
Our mission should be,
To provide a total educational opportunity that develops skills and knowledge, potential, self-esteem, productivity and motivation for lifelong learning in the Karate-Do. Through programs emphasizing academic excellence, we should be committed to developing professional Karate-Do educators who are; knowledgeable, thoughtful, and skillful - educators who think critically and who can synthesize experiences as responsible persons in a free society, as professional technicians and as effective leaders, business owners and innovators. Recognizing the multi-system, multifaceted nature of American martial arts society, we should prepare professional martial arts educators must emphasize historical variety and diversity. The overall mission of a good Sensei is in the developing professional educators in Karate-Do. This requires a lot of teaching time in the Dojo or Lecture Hall.
These are the things that drive us
These are our commitments
Love is our law
Truth is our worship
Form is our manifestation
Order is our attitude
Beauty and perfection is our life.
We should endorse and promote the following values in order to achieve this mission:
High expectations for students, instructors, parents and communities;
A clear vision of desired results
Strong leadership
Ethnic and cultural diversity
Appropriate educational development
Safe, clean, orderly learning environments
Recognition of, and rewards for excellence
Community and family participation and support
Life long learning
Humbly submitted
Manny Saavedra, Kansho
“World Sansei” Koryu Gojukai Karatedo
I would like to thank Jose Rios, Sensei and Javier Ortiz, Sensei for opening the door.