Many epiphanies through Karate Training
A Spontaneous Experience of Awakening into Awareness
An epiphany is not an idea, people can do anything they want with an idea, but a truly new experience changes everything. Before you can do anything with it, it does something with you! An Epiphany is a sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something; an intuitive grasp of reality through something usually simple and striking. An epiphany is not an experience that we can create from within, but one that we can only be open to and receive from another. Epiphanies leave us totally out of control, and they always demand that we change. We would rather have objectified religion, which leaves us potentially in control and never having to change at all
A few days ago, my life was changed, at a deep and fundamental level, by a completely unexpected and inexplicable experience. I still do not fully comprehend, with my rational mind or intellect, exactly what happened. And yet, the validity and power of this incredible moment was profoundly vivid and clear. It was a moment of intuitive revelation which arrived suddenly and without warning, and which I can only describe as an "epiphany," or an Awakening. In this timeless moment, my understanding and experience of the universe were completely and irrevocably transformed. I am feeling the effects of this remarkable experience. The epiphany lasted only briefly, perhaps 1 hour or less, but as a result of the fundamental shift that occurred during this momentary revelation, my priorities, my identity, and the shape and form of my work have all begun to change. The epiphany arrived suddenly, and without warning. In fact, I was asleep when the experience began. Suddenly, an invisible, but significant, shift occurred internally: it felt as if any residual or latent energy blockages within my body had been instantly and completely released. I had Clarity that the universe, exactly as it is within the present moment is absolutely complete and perfect. The present moment was whole and integrated. Any sense of fundamental separateness was gone. "I" was still there, but any anxiety I had ever felt was completely eliminated. All I knew/felt/experienced was the complete and absolute perfection of the present moment. I realized that everything appearing before us is simply a manifestation and expression of this energy, and that this energy is always moving through each of us, guiding us throughout our lives. In this moment of Recognition, I realized the fundamental simplicity of my own existence and purpose: There is nothing we need to do or achieve, beyond the fullness of the present moment. And, I understood that this realization will dawn upon each of us, naturally and inevitably, as we begin to release our resistance to the flow of this energy moving within our lives. With this realization, I have began to understand, more clearly than ever before, the value of paying attention to: the relationship between body, mind, and spirit, the relationship between intellect and intuition, and the energetic rhythms and intuitive impulses moving within each of us. This was a moment of overwhelming revelation, of pure and absolute joy. The perfection and wholeness of the universe seemed so obvious, so simple, so complete, and so absolute. Intuitive Integration There was no question in my mind, during this timeless, indescribable moment that: Within the present moment, each of us is where we need to be, doing what we need to do. In our lives, and through our being, the Infinite Universe is continuously manifesting its completeness and perfection; an exquisite bliss arises when we recognize and acknowledge this perfection and wholeness within our own, immediate experience. I realized that it is at the intuitive level that we have our deepest moments of "knowingness" and insight, and that for each of us, this process of revelation begins simply with an intuitive faith and trust in our own energetic movement toward wholeness and integration. I realized that, within this very moment, this energetic impulse is guiding each of us toward deeper levels of intuitive recognition of this innate integration and inherent completeness. And, I realized that we can begin to recognize this energetic impulse through body work and energy work; through Karate. I realized that this movement of energy, through our daily life experiences, is our greatest and most potent teacher. I realized that this process is simply an intuitive exploration of the movement of chi -- the essential life force within the universe -- within the body/mind/spirit in the present moment. I realized that this experience of intuitive integration is simply a process of gradually realizing the energetic balance within our lives, within our intuition/intellect, and within our work/play. I realized that throughout our lives, we are all intuitively drawn toward deeper and more profound levels of physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual integration by deep impulses and timeless rhythms of wholeness. And, I realized that this process allows each of us to explore the depths of our own innate potential to achieve an ever deepening Awareness and Recognition of our own fundamental and essential nature. I realized that within each of our lives, there is a pattern of intuitive recognition that has developed over time, an "intuitive river" that can provide clues to understanding the development of this integration process. I realized that the pattern and rhythm of this process are uniquely and individually appropriate to each of us, within the present moment. And, I understood that regardless of the path we choose, this process of intuitive integration will gradually to guide us all through, and toward, recognition of the essential wholeness, completeness and perfection of all that Is. I realized that in all our efforts to discern a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives, and in our struggle to understand the nature of the universe, our simple goal -- and our greatest freedom -- ultimately lie in recognizing this fundamental and essential state of natural Awareness. I realized that all of our efforts and struggle ultimately dissolve into our ability to trust the process of the completeness and perfection of the universe manifesting within the present moment.
In this Awakening, I discovered that my restless seeking and ceaseless longing were suddenly and completely resolved in the Perfection of the present moment. With a sense of relief, I discovered that my search for meaning and purpose was finally understood. The past and future are pale shadows and faint echoes of the radiant present. Harmony is recognizing the absolute, complete perfection of the universe, exactly as it is, within the infinite present. The perfection of the universe lies within its complete integrity and wholeness. Within this larger context, there is room for all the smaller, diverse "imperfections" of our daily, human experience. All suffering in the universe ultimately is not absurd because it is contained within an Infinite Compassion that extends far beyond the limits of all imaginable suffering. I realized that our common, "ordinary" human experience is impossible to differentiate from the Fullness and Essence of Reality. And, I finally understand that nothing ever needs to be done to achieve or obtain this Great Perfection. It is already absolute, complete and inherent within the present moment.
Since the epiphany, I have discovered that the background of this natural awareness revealed within this experience of "awakening" will remain the frame of reference for all my experience of being human. And, I have found that as a result of this revelation, my understanding and experience of life have gradually, and irrevocably, begun to change. I have discovered that for me, now, there can be no turning back: That which has been seen cannot be unseen, and with this epiphany, my life will never be the same again....
With the epiphany, it has also become clear to me is that we do not need to pursue or cultivate a spiritual hunger for experiences such as this awakening, simply because even the "highest" of spiritual experiences is still just that: another experience. Rather, I believe we are best served by beginning to recognize that our own immediate, present moment reality is not separate from, or other than, the larger truth or reality for which we have been searching.
I believe that when we finally release our attachment to the misconception that "This moment, or this experience, is not it," we will suddenly realize, with an exquisite and overwhelming satisfaction, that we already are that for which we have been seeking.
A few days ago, my life was changed, at a deep and fundamental level, by a completely unexpected and inexplicable experience. I still do not fully comprehend, with my rational mind or intellect, exactly what happened. And yet, the validity and power of this incredible moment was profoundly vivid and clear. It was a moment of intuitive revelation which arrived suddenly and without warning, and which I can only describe as an "epiphany," or an Awakening. In this timeless moment, my understanding and experience of the universe were completely and irrevocably transformed. I am feeling the effects of this remarkable experience. The epiphany lasted only briefly, perhaps 1 hour or less, but as a result of the fundamental shift that occurred during this momentary revelation, my priorities, my identity, and the shape and form of my work have all begun to change. The epiphany arrived suddenly, and without warning. In fact, I was asleep when the experience began. Suddenly, an invisible, but significant, shift occurred internally: it felt as if any residual or latent energy blockages within my body had been instantly and completely released. I had Clarity that the universe, exactly as it is within the present moment is absolutely complete and perfect. The present moment was whole and integrated. Any sense of fundamental separateness was gone. "I" was still there, but any anxiety I had ever felt was completely eliminated. All I knew/felt/experienced was the complete and absolute perfection of the present moment. I realized that everything appearing before us is simply a manifestation and expression of this energy, and that this energy is always moving through each of us, guiding us throughout our lives. In this moment of Recognition, I realized the fundamental simplicity of my own existence and purpose: There is nothing we need to do or achieve, beyond the fullness of the present moment. And, I understood that this realization will dawn upon each of us, naturally and inevitably, as we begin to release our resistance to the flow of this energy moving within our lives. With this realization, I have began to understand, more clearly than ever before, the value of paying attention to: the relationship between body, mind, and spirit, the relationship between intellect and intuition, and the energetic rhythms and intuitive impulses moving within each of us. This was a moment of overwhelming revelation, of pure and absolute joy. The perfection and wholeness of the universe seemed so obvious, so simple, so complete, and so absolute. Intuitive Integration There was no question in my mind, during this timeless, indescribable moment that: Within the present moment, each of us is where we need to be, doing what we need to do. In our lives, and through our being, the Infinite Universe is continuously manifesting its completeness and perfection; an exquisite bliss arises when we recognize and acknowledge this perfection and wholeness within our own, immediate experience. I realized that it is at the intuitive level that we have our deepest moments of "knowingness" and insight, and that for each of us, this process of revelation begins simply with an intuitive faith and trust in our own energetic movement toward wholeness and integration. I realized that, within this very moment, this energetic impulse is guiding each of us toward deeper levels of intuitive recognition of this innate integration and inherent completeness. And, I realized that we can begin to recognize this energetic impulse through body work and energy work; through Karate. I realized that this movement of energy, through our daily life experiences, is our greatest and most potent teacher. I realized that this process is simply an intuitive exploration of the movement of chi -- the essential life force within the universe -- within the body/mind/spirit in the present moment. I realized that this experience of intuitive integration is simply a process of gradually realizing the energetic balance within our lives, within our intuition/intellect, and within our work/play. I realized that throughout our lives, we are all intuitively drawn toward deeper and more profound levels of physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual integration by deep impulses and timeless rhythms of wholeness. And, I realized that this process allows each of us to explore the depths of our own innate potential to achieve an ever deepening Awareness and Recognition of our own fundamental and essential nature. I realized that within each of our lives, there is a pattern of intuitive recognition that has developed over time, an "intuitive river" that can provide clues to understanding the development of this integration process. I realized that the pattern and rhythm of this process are uniquely and individually appropriate to each of us, within the present moment. And, I understood that regardless of the path we choose, this process of intuitive integration will gradually to guide us all through, and toward, recognition of the essential wholeness, completeness and perfection of all that Is. I realized that in all our efforts to discern a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives, and in our struggle to understand the nature of the universe, our simple goal -- and our greatest freedom -- ultimately lie in recognizing this fundamental and essential state of natural Awareness. I realized that all of our efforts and struggle ultimately dissolve into our ability to trust the process of the completeness and perfection of the universe manifesting within the present moment.
In this Awakening, I discovered that my restless seeking and ceaseless longing were suddenly and completely resolved in the Perfection of the present moment. With a sense of relief, I discovered that my search for meaning and purpose was finally understood. The past and future are pale shadows and faint echoes of the radiant present. Harmony is recognizing the absolute, complete perfection of the universe, exactly as it is, within the infinite present. The perfection of the universe lies within its complete integrity and wholeness. Within this larger context, there is room for all the smaller, diverse "imperfections" of our daily, human experience. All suffering in the universe ultimately is not absurd because it is contained within an Infinite Compassion that extends far beyond the limits of all imaginable suffering. I realized that our common, "ordinary" human experience is impossible to differentiate from the Fullness and Essence of Reality. And, I finally understand that nothing ever needs to be done to achieve or obtain this Great Perfection. It is already absolute, complete and inherent within the present moment.
Since the epiphany, I have discovered that the background of this natural awareness revealed within this experience of "awakening" will remain the frame of reference for all my experience of being human. And, I have found that as a result of this revelation, my understanding and experience of life have gradually, and irrevocably, begun to change. I have discovered that for me, now, there can be no turning back: That which has been seen cannot be unseen, and with this epiphany, my life will never be the same again....
With the epiphany, it has also become clear to me is that we do not need to pursue or cultivate a spiritual hunger for experiences such as this awakening, simply because even the "highest" of spiritual experiences is still just that: another experience. Rather, I believe we are best served by beginning to recognize that our own immediate, present moment reality is not separate from, or other than, the larger truth or reality for which we have been searching.
I believe that when we finally release our attachment to the misconception that "This moment, or this experience, is not it," we will suddenly realize, with an exquisite and overwhelming satisfaction, that we already are that for which we have been seeking.