According to Asian thought, a Martial Art style or system must have the following elements in order to be considered complete: a diverse repertoire of Attack and Defense Techniques, Aesthetic and Artistic Refinement, Health Exercises including the practice of qigong, Healing Techniques, and a theoretical framework which embraces both Philosophy and Moral Code. With literally hundreds of styles, Asian Martial Arts are easily the most diverse and complex; each possessing unique characteristics, all coming from a rich cultural legacy.
The vast knowledge found in these Arts is due to the contributions of many generations of leading exponents who dedicated their lives to the perfection of their Art.
Asian Martial Arts trace their origin and development to three primary sources: the military, family clans, and religious sects. Styles and forms were created from and/or named after various influences, including the creator’s name (Hong Family Boxing, Chaquan); animals or nature (Tiger, Crane, Mantis); philosophical principles (Taijiquan, Baguazhang); or location (Guangzhou Wing Chun, Wudang, Northern Shaolin). However, regardless of their origin, they all share similar traits unique to Asian Martial Arts.
I. Self-Defense and Combat techniques in Sansei cover all possible fighting ranges: Long, Medium, Short and Close (Touching) ranges and consist of the following approaches:
· Striking and Kicking Techniques
· Body Conditioning Exercises
· Joint Locks and Counter locks
. Power Generation Training
· Pressure Point Attacks
· Forms
· Throwing and Grappling
· Weapons Training
· Sensitivity Training
· Sparring
II. Artistic and expressive movements serve to develop the innate sense and appreciation of aesthetics that is within us all.
Traditional Karate training satisfies this inherent need while maintaining a functional perspective in combat.
Every movement demands precision and accuracy for proper execution. Discipline of both mind and body are developed as one strives towards perfection in thought and movement. The high degree of concentration and body awareness required to perform these patterns also serves to consolidate and refine the martial skills that are being practiced.
When the practitioner is able to harmonize the physical, mental and internal aspects of his training, his movements will take on a new quality. They will become effortless and graceful with power flowing naturally through the body.
It is at this point that true training begins to develop.
III. Traditional healing methods are an important part of Sansei.
These include:
· Acupressure (Tuina) · Qigong Healing
· Acupuncture · Five Element Massage (health and healing systems)
· Bone Alignment Therapy · Moxibustion and Cupping
· Chinese Herbs and Medicine · Bone Adjustment and Spinal Manipulation
· Diet and Nutrition · Treatment of Traumatic Injuries
· Health Meditation Exercises · Resuscitation and First Aid Techniques
· Human Anatomy and Physiology Training · Remedial Therapeutic Exercises
· Energy Balancing Methods · Traditional Oriental Therapeutic Modalities
Health Qigong and therapeutic exercises are those, which promote physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
They are integral in Karate and include methods such as:
.Respiration Techniques
·Meridian Activation Movements
·Sound Vocalization
·Dynamic Meditation Movements
·Physical Movements
IV. Sansei has been strongly influenced by historical, philosophical and religious teachings. They serve as the ethical guidelines for martial techniques, mental training and principles of living and conduct for the Karate practitioner.
By studying these precepts, insight may be gained on the culture and its Martial Arts. When these teachings are fully understood by the student, correct moral conduct and proper etiquette will naturally develop. Furthermore, he or she will gain a positive outlook on martial training as well as in his or her daily encounters in life.
Major focus of philosophical study include theories from the following:
· Confucianism
· Chinese Martial Arts History and Philosophy
· Daoism
· Classical Chinese Military Strategy
· Buddhism