Brandy Caban, Sensei
Javier Caban, Sensei
Lonesome Warrior Dojo( Kokorosabishii Buke Dojo) West Palm Beach, Florida
The Cabans are members of the World Sansei Koryu Gojukai Karatedo. They are both excellent role models in our Karate community. Being a Sensei is not a job; it is an attitude. The Sensei is a source of information, a guide, a mentor, a surrogate parent, a motivator, all at the same time. A Sensei deals with the now and the future. To be an ideal Sensei, who can be a role model, one should ask himself three questions before taking up this noble profession. Do you love your subject? Anyone who does not love his subject can never be a good Sensei and cannot inspire his/her students. Do you love your profession? If one does not have the respect for his vocation, he can never have self-esteem of himself. Such Sensei’s do not exude confidence and assurance. Can you love your students as intensely as your own children? For the Cabans all these questions are easily answered with yes. The Cabans are Sensei’s that set high expectations for all their students, they expect that all students can and will achieve in their Dojo, and they don’t give up on underachievers. They are Sensei’s that have clear, written-out objectives, Sensei’s that are prepared and organized. Great Senseis engage students and get them to look at situations in a variety of ways. Great Senseis form strong relationships with their students and show that they care about them as people. Great Senseis are masters of their subject matter.
The students are guided by a Sensei who acts as a friend, philosopher, guide and a role model. A Senseis task is to inculcate effective skills in a students beginning years and help him emerge as an individual entity.” The Lonesome Warrior Dojo does all this and more.
The students are guided by a Sensei who acts as a friend, philosopher, guide and a role model. A Senseis task is to inculcate effective skills in a students beginning years and help him emerge as an individual entity.” The Lonesome Warrior Dojo does all this and more.