Frank Payne, Sensei is the head instructor of Bushido Florida Dojo, A very good friend to the "World Sansei" Koryu Gojukai Karatedo Organization . He Teaches Kodokan Judo and Yoshitsune Jiu-Jitsu. He has studied the Japanese martial arts for over fifty years, starting at the age of 12 in 1953. He holds Rokudan (Sixth Degree Black Belt) rank in Kodokan Judo and is a Certified Master Examiner for the United States Judo Association. He also holds Renshi Rokudan Shihan rank in Yoshitsune Jiu-Jitsu via the International Federation of Jujutsuans, and Rokudan rank in American Martial Arts Jujitsu via the United States Judo Association. He has been the head instructor of Bushido Florida Dojo since 1973. As a judo instructor he has brought many students from white belt beginner status to various levels of black belt rank, taken many students to tournaments where they have won trophies and gained confidence in shiai at local and higher level tournaments. Over the years, he has taught public school students, college students, business people, doctors, lawyers, airline pilots, teachers, and other professional people, and even taught both the hearing impaired and the vision impaired. As a self-defense instructor, with Yoshitsune Jiu-Jitsu, he has taught many of these same people, and also prison guards, army rangers, and police officers. He has hosted, and taught international seminars in both Kodokan Judo and Yoshitsune Jiu-Jitsu, studied and taught in both judo and jiu-jitsu in training camps and on international training tours. He has had articles published in such martial arts magazines as Karate International and Bugeisha magazines. In 1988 he was featured in Who's Who in the Martial Arts Elite, and in 1994 he was inducted into the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame.